By Sarah Fulton
Staff Writer
No matter what time of year courses are in session: spring, summer and fall, students tend to find the hardest thing about adapting to a new work schedule very stressful, and remembering to make time for themselves can sometimes be just as difficult. But it’s O.K. to relax and not feel consistently overworked.
Here are five tips that can hopefully help you make time for yourself.
1. Stop and breath
It’s a well-known fact that as humans, we sometimes overthink and doubt ourselves and our capabilities without seemingly giving ourselves the recognition of rest and relaxation we truly deserve from working long hours each day. Remember that even in the most stressful situations, your brain needs as much comfort as your heart. Take a few minutes to deeply inhale and exhale, as practicing good breathing habits does help us to feel more ourselves when wanting to be relaxed.
2. Remember your self-worth
When feeling overworked, we tend to go off on a limb in our mindset as though we’re aiming to please others rather than ourselves. Remember just how loved, worthy, confident, blessed and important you are. This can work wonders for strengthening your mental health and positive assurance. Remember that you are your own person in God’s image, and no one can tell you differently. Therefore be strong and of good courage.
3. Try new interests
Sometimes pulling ourselves into new environments or hobbies can actually help with mental stress. Perhaps there is something of interest around campus that you’ve had your eye on to try: joining a new sports team, getting involved in student leadership or even a new class you may find intriguing. Whatever it may be, you have tons of encouragement right behind you when looking forward to the next memories you make.
4. Get involved with friends
This might sound straightforward but trust me, it's worth your downtime. Spend some time with the people who are close to you and just chat with them about whatever you may be feeling at the moment. Friends are one of the sources apart from family and most importantly God who encourage us to keep treading forward no matter what we happen to stumble across in our lives. So make sure whenever you are in need of some quality relaxation time, ask your friends to go somewhere and do something fun to help yourself be at ease.
5. Spend quality time with God
I’ve saved the best for last and for a good reason. God, therefore, challenges us even in the midst of finding time for ourselves to draw closer to Him in prayer and reading your Bible for guidance. Remember that you are not alone as you walk through this life with the many decisions you choose to make in wisdom and stature. The closer that you are to God in anything and everything you do, the easier you’ll find in wanting to make time for him as well.
And so, I hope this was able to help aid anyone who may have found it difficult to find the
first step in wanting to take some time of rest for themselves!