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RU student and content creator deletes social media

By Josh Richardson

Staff Writer

Social media has become an integral part of our lives with millions of people using it to connect, share, and stay updated with friends and family.

However, social media can also have a negative impact on mental health, and after much thought, I deleted all my social media accounts.

This decision has been one of the best I have ever made, and it has helped me overcome anxiety in content creation and in my life in general.

Before I deleted my social media accounts, I would spend hours scrolling through my feed, comparing my life to others and feeling less than. I would constantly check my notifications, looking for likes and comments on my posts. It was a vicious cycle that left me feeling exhausted, unhappy and anxious.

The turning point came when I realized that social media was consuming too much of my time and energy. I was spending less time doing the things I loved, and my mental health was suffering. I was constantly anxious and overwhelmed, and I knew something needed to change.

After much thought, I made the decision to delete all my social media accounts. At first, it was difficult. I felt like I was missing out on important updates from friends and family, and I was worried about how I would stay connected. But as time went on, I began to notice the positive impact it was having on my mental health.

Without the constant stream of updates, I found myself more present and engaged in the world around me. I started to appreciate the little things in life and found joy in the simple moments. I was able to focus on my own goals and aspirations without the distractions of social media.

One of the biggest benefits of deleting social media was the relief it brought to my anxiety in content creation. As a creator, I constantly felt the pressure to create content that would go viral and garner thousands of likes and shares. I would spend hours agonizing over the perfect edits or the perfect words for my videos.

Without social media, I stopped creating content for two-to-three months, and it was a liberating thing to do. I felt like no burden was on me at the time to always have a post go viral.

But eventually, I got back into it and I found my love for creating content again. I was able to focus on the content itself rather than how it would perform online. I was able to experiment with new ideas and styles without worrying about how they would be received by others. This newfound freedom allowed me to create content that was truly authentic and true to myself.

Deleting social media also helped me overcome anxiety in my life in general. I no longer felt the pressure to constantly be online and connected. I was able to set boundaries and prioritize my mental health. I started to enjoy the simple things in life and found a sense of calm that I had never experienced before.

Deleting social media was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has had a profound impact on my mental health, allowing me to focus on what truly matters in life. It has helped me overcome anxiety in content creation and in my life in general. I no longer feel the pressure to constantly be online and connected, and I am able to enjoy the present moment without the distractions of social media.

While social media has its benefits, it is important to recognize when it is doing more harm than good and take steps to protect our mental health.

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